Name;Power;Armour;shield;Energy;Weapon;Area;Description "Barracks";"4";"4";"0";"0";"Laser";"-1";"Barracks help protect your base, enable production of Marines and produces them 10% faster per level" "Laser Battery";"8";"8";"0";"-1";"Laser";"-1";"Small defense, good against small ships. Can be used to attack any fleet in the system." "Missile Battery";"16";"16";"0";"-1";"Missiles";"-1";"Small defense, good against medium ships. Can be used to attack fleets in the system." "Pulse Battery";"32";"32";"0";"-2";"Plasma";"-1";"Average defense, good against medium ships." "Ion Battery";"64";"64";"2";"-3";"Ion";"-1";"Average Defenses, good against medium ships." "Photon Battery";"128";"128";"4";"-4";"Photon";"-1";"Big defense, good against large ships." "Deflection Shields";"4";"512";"32";"-8";"Ion";"-1";"Strong shields that increase your Base protection." "Disruptor Battery";"256";"256";"16";"-6";"Disruptor";"-1";"The biggest Defenses, good against large ships." "Starbase Shields";"4";"1024";"48";"-8";"Ion";"0";"That increases your Starbase protection, also to ships in orbit and all other defenses." "Planetary Shields";"4";"2048";"64";"-12";"Ion";"0";"That increases your Base protection, also to your ships in orbit and all other defenses." "Drones";"1536";"512";"32";"-20";"Missiles";"0";"Powerful automated drones " "Cloak Generator";"1";"1";"0";"-8";"Cloak";"-2";"Cloaks your base making it harder to be detected" "Orbital Defense Rings";"2048";"1024";"16";"-16";"Photon";"0";"Orbital Defense Rings around the astro, does not require area on the Base." generated in 0.016s